
Lesson #7  Learn how to run group creativity sessions

   It’s one thing to train yourself how to think creatively and quite another challenge to get an entire roomful of people inspired to be fresh thinkers.

    To run a good group brainstorming session:

    Have sufficient time available so people can move beyond the glib answers and get down to the finer details.

    Try and have about 20-30 people participating. Any more than that and it gets harder for ideas to flow.

    Divide the group into teams of 4-6 people each.

    Go outside who you would expect to be involved and bring in some outsiders. Their fresh perspective may yield valuable insights everyone else glosses over.

    Always start with a simple mental exercise to get everyone engaged and break the ice.

    Brainstorm in burst. Get a batch of ideas, and then reflect on those ideas. The most creative people usually work in small sprints rather than at a steady pace.

    Jot down ideas on sticky notes so they can be regrouped and moved around at will.

    Have people stand while thinking creatively. That way, they won’t get drowsy or too comfortable.

    Expect some chaos. It’s all part of the creative process.

    Periodically, distill what has been suggested thus far. Don’t wait until the end to sum up what the group is saying.

    Save putting together a final list of suggestions made for a later date when everyone is more objective.


Lesson #8  Overcome the 5 barriers to creativity

To realize your greatest creative potential , overcome the five most common barriers which stop people from being more creative. These are:

1. Fear of the unknown---which can be overcome by realizing the world is changing. Thus, if you don’t keep coming up with new ideas, failure is guaranteed further down the road.

2. Fear of looking stupid---which is addressed by realizing many of history’s greatest successes have been made by people who have this same fear. We would all prefer not to make mistakes, but that’s just part of the price of progress.

3. Fear of making a quick judgement---which is fixed by withholding personal judgement until an idea has been fully developed.

4. Attachment to the old ways of doing things---which is neutralized by a willingness to explore and experiment with new ways of doing things.

5. Attachment to past successes---which can also be overcome by realizing past victories can’t guarantee future success unless there is ongoing creative thinking about how to make further improvements and enhancements.


Lesson #9  Move forward with passion

The people who are most likely to use creative thinking within any organization

are those who are passionate about creativity.

    Surround yourself with people who are passionate about creative ideas.

    Become a student of creativeness and look for creative ideas in all areas of human activity.

    Celebrate your own creative ideas and be enthusiastic about your own work rather than seeking the approval of others.

    Read books about creativity and study the biographies of high achievers. Remember, achievement is created in action.

    Purposely place yourself into situations where you don’t know all the answers and have to be creative to survive.

    Practice using the tools of creative thinking until they become second nature to you.

    Keep reviewing the tools of creative thinking periodically to keep them fresh in your mind.

    When you come up with a great idea, tell others about it. Hopefully, your success will inspire others to do likewise.

    Don’t become too attached your old ways of doing things but keep looking for fresh new approaches.

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