瞭解團隊動態(Understand team dynamics)
1. 在小組會議中處理角色問題:在初步的小組會議中檢視專案目標,說明其結果將如何為公司與客戶帶來利潤,並分配參與者的工作領域,說明清楚由哪些組員擔任哪些角色。
Address role questions in a team meeting: At one of the first team meetings, review project objectives and explain how the results will benefit the company, its customers, and participants’ work areas. Clarify which team members will fill which roles.
2. 與個別組員會面:對每個人解釋他為何被選來參與你的專案,以及你期許他們分別有哪些貢獻。討論他們可能遭遇到的問題與限制。
Meet with team members individually: Explain to each person why he or she was chosen for the project and what you hope each will contribute. Discuss problems or constraints they may encounter.
3. 保有個別差異:想要團隊協同工作,並不表示要壓抑爭論與歧見。事實上正好相反。確定你讓每個人都覺得可以自在地表達己見,否則,他們永遠不會真正覺得自己是小組成員。
Keep individual difference visible: Wanting a team to work well as a unit does not mean discouraging disagreement or differences of opinion. In fact, it means the exact opposite. Make sure that individuals feel comfortable expressing their viewpoints or they will never completely feel like team members.
Thoughts of Wisdom
Team building is more than a pizza party.… The strong forms of team building occur when team members expand their knowledge of each other and the project at the same time.