專案管理 第六章
進行現實評估(Pause for reality checks)
1. 當問題定義較為清楚時,進行評估:這項現實評估的時機應該要在小組詳細瞭解挑戰、機會、成本利潤之後,盡快進行將資料呈報給主管,以獲得上級批准按照原定計畫,或是根據評估結果修改專案目標。
Check when the problem definition is clearer: This reality check should occur as soon as the team has fleshed out the challenges, opportunities, costs, and benefits in more detailed. Present the data to management to get approval to proceed as originally planned or modify the project goals accordingly.
2. 找出具體解決方案後,進行評估:這次的評估重點應該放在可行性上面,解決方案構想是否可行?負擔得起嗎?所需時間是否切實際?利用市場研究、小型測試、模型建立與(或)模擬法來幫助回答這些問題。
Check after a specific solution is identifies: This check should focus largely on feasibility. Is the solution idea workable? Affordable? Practical within the time frame needed? Use market studies, pilot testing, prototyping, and/or simulations to help answer those questions.
3. 在全面執行前進行評估:此時,你應該對於執行成本及不行動的風險很有把握了。讓管理階層有機會檢視這些資訊,討論時間的安排並規劃如何減輕風險。
Check before full-scale implementation: By this point, you should have a good handle on the costs of implementation and risks of not acting. Give management an opportunity to receive that information and discuss timing and plans to mitigate risks.
Thoughts of Wisdom
If the results of a well-conceived and executed feasibility study indicate that the project should proceed, you can move confidently into the planning and implementation phase phases. If the results are discouraging, …use the data to redesign the project and do another feasibility study, and so on, until you’ve identified a concept that works.