專案管理第三章 了解真正的需求
1- 記錄問題或機會:說明目前績效水準與必須達成目標之間的落差。列出此落差所造成的影響,其中涵蓋對公司內外部人員的影響。說明忽略這想落差將承受的風險,以及拉近落差可獲得的好處。
Document the problem or opportunity: Describe the gap between current performance levels and where you need to be. List the effects of this gap, including the impact on people inside and outsides your company. Describe the risks of ignoring this gap and the benefits of closing it.
2- 共享文件內容:利用以上記錄文件作為支援專案之部門主管討論的基礎。向他們陳述你對目前狀況的看法,並請他提供意見與說明。
Share the document: Use the document as the basis for a discussion with the functional manager sponsoring the project. Present it as your interpretation of the current state and ask for input and clarification.
3- 請上級批准專注於真正需求:如果你在未經批准的狀況下,執意進行則你可能無法達成原來的專案目標,致使業績大受影響。
Get approval to focus on the true need: If you proceed without approval, your performance may suffer because you did not achieve the original project goal.